0. Basics
How to start? What we should know about animations.
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Basics on Animations with POV-Ray
Animations, animated gifs, avi video, mpeg video - how to do and a first example. |
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Example 2
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From a Series of Animation Images in POV-Ray to an animated gif
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From a Series of Animation Images in POV-Ray to a Video File
How to use Dave's Targa Animator (DTA) (free!) for converting a series of single images to an avi video file.
Useful for a base to create an mpeg file with other video programs. |
frames, fps, bitrate, loop, ani gif, mpeg |
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Terms and Basic Knowledge
About frames, file sizes, image sizes, bit rates and compressions of animation files.
clock, frame_number, ... |
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Animation Commands for ini files and scene files in POV-Ray
Commands of the ini files and
values usable for the designing and control of
animations in scene files. |
I. Cyclic Animations
A very economic method for the animation of periodic and rhythmic motions.
1. |
Rotating Objects
We get specially short animations
for animated gifs (web applications), if we use the symmetric axes of objects.
1.2. |
Planets in Orbit
Cyclic Animation with Sun, Earth and Moon.
1.3. |
Clock Animation
Cyclic animation of the hands of a clock face.
2. |
Rotating Camera
The animated camera - we can animate camera location as well as the look_at point or angle of view!
2.1. |
Straight Moving Camera.
Cyclic animations with a straight moving camera fly with continuous speed.
3. |
The Western Wheel Problem
About the wheels rotating in the opposite direction - a problem of animations with
rotating spoke wheels, gears or rotating propellers.
3.1 |
Rolling Wheels
How to roll a spoke wheel on a ground - without slipping or spinning.
4. |
Cyclic animation
4.1 |
Roller Chains
for bikes, track chains for tanks and caterpillars, V-belts, conveyor belts and other engines
Cyclic animation
4.2 |
Bike Chains
for motorcycles and bicycles with to alternating types of chain links.
Cyclic animation
5.0 |
Swinging Pendulum
Cyclic animation (uses the sine function).
5.1 |
Newton's Cradle, Newton's Pendulum
Cyclic animation (uses the sine function).
5.2 |
Rock the Rocker!
Cyclic animation of a rocking chair rolling oscillating in sine rhythm (uses the sine function).
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Swinging Spiral Pendulum
Cyclic animation (uses the sine function)
7.0. |
Coupling Rods
- Connecting the driving wheels together.
Cyclic animation (uses the sine and cosine function)
7.1 |
Connecting Rods
Cyclic animation (uses the sine and cosine function)
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Psychedelic - Op-Art
Cyclic animation with animated textures.
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Counters with Numbers and with 7 segment display.
Cyclic animation with Numbers.
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Folding a Cube.
Cyclic animation on how to fold a cube out of 6 squares.