Descriptions and Samples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller

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Scenery Samples - more complex I - Architecture

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Some more complex samples: window, roof, house, castle, paperwall, table.
(uses javascript to show some sample images in 600x450 pixels) update! 25-March-2004
1. Window
(Objects: box. Methods: difference, union, declare.)
2. Door as "macro"
(Objects: box. Methods: difference, union, declare, macro.)
3. 3.1. House - I. Basic Shape
(Objects: box, plane. Methods: declare, difference.)
3.2. House - II. Roof
(Objects: box, plane. Methods: declare, difference.)
3.3. House - III. Windows
(Objects: box, plane. Methods: declare, intersection, inverse, union.)
4. Castle: 0.Tower
(Objects: cylinder, cone. Methods: declare, union.)
5. Castle: 1.Castle with 4 towers and a door
(Objects: cylinder, cone, box. Methods: declare, union, difference.)
6. Castle: 2.Castle with moat
(Objects: cylinder, cone, box, plane. Methods: declare, union, difference, inverse, bounded_by.)
7. Castle: 3.Tower with windows (Objects: cylinder, cone, box. Methods: declare, union, difference.)
8. Castle: 4.Possible further expansions
(Objects: all. Methods: all.)
9. Roof
(Objects: box, cylinder. Methods: union, macro.)
10. Fence - by layered grid textures
(Objects: box, cylinder. Methods: color_map, layered textures, macro.)
11. Shoji - a Japanese paperwall
(Objects: box. Methods: union, macro.)
12. 3 Shoji - a paravent
(Objects: box. Methods union, macro.)
13. A table and Japanese tatami mats
(Objects: box, sphere, cylinder. Methods: union, macro.)
14. Double Fishblobs
( Objects: torus,Torus_Segment from ""
Methods: #declare, object{...}.
15. Threefold Fishblobs
( Objects: torus,Torus_Segment from ""
Methods: #declare, union{...}, object{...}.
16. Trefoil
( Objects: torus,Torus_Segment from ""
Methods: #declare, object{...}.


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