Descriptions and Examples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
Loops, Sine, Cosine and POV-Ray     
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- POV-Ray Tutorial
   Sine, Cosine
   and POV-Ray
   1. Linear Waves
 >2. Concentric waves
   3. Flying Carpets
                                              - Download

Sine and Cosine going round in loops
- concentric waves -

Until now we applied sine function only in x direction. A very charming effect will appear if we use a sine modultion to the y position of each sphere depending from here distance of the center. The distance of a point from the origin in cartesian coordinates is calculated by calculating the square root of sum of the sqare of the X value plus the square of Z value - as Pythagoras found out somewhat before.

#declare Ball =
     pigment{color rgb<1,0.65,0.0>}
     finish {diffuse 0.9 phong 1}
    }// end of texture
 }// end of sphere

#declare Z = -5; // start value Z
#declare EndZ = 5;//  end value Z
#declare Step = 0.5;// step value
//----------- loop start Z :
#while ( Z < EndZ + Step)

  #declare X = -5;   // start value X
  #declare EndX = 5; //   end value X
  //------------ loop start X:
  #while ( X < EndX + Step)

    // calculazione
    // della distanza dall'origine:
    #declare R = sqrt(X*X + Z*Z);
    // modulato dipendente di R:
    object{ Ball
     translate < X, sin(2*R),Z>}

  #declare X = X+Step;//next X  value
  #end // ---------------- loop end X

#declare Z = Z+Step;//next Z value
#end // --------------- loop end Z  

Modified with
#declare R = sqrt( X*X + Z*Z);
  #if (R < 5)
object{Ball translate<X,cos(2*R),Z>} #end
we limitate the distance from the y-axis on R < 5 and use cos(A) instead of the sine:

Reducing the radius and increasing the density of the spheres will increase the number of objects to calculate immense - in the following scenery there are about 20000 spheres in game and it needs about 14 MB RAM to caculate it. In addition the y-value of the spheres was modulated antiproportional to the distance R from the central y-axis.

#declare Ball =
     pigment{color rgb<1,0.65,0.0>}
     finish {diffuse 0.9 phong 1}
    }// end of texture
 }// end of sphere

#declare E = 8;
#declare Z = -E;    // start value Z
#declare EndZ = E;  //   end value Z
#declare Step = 0.1;// step value
//------ loop start Z:
#while ( Z < EndZ + Step)

  #declare X = -E;    // start value X
  #declare EndX = E;  //   end value X
  //------- loop start X:
  #while ( X < EndX + Step)
    #declare R = sqrt( X * X + Z * Z);
    #if (R < E)
     object{ Ball
    #end // of "#if (R < E)"
  #declare X = X+Step;// next X value
  #end // ---------------- loop end X

#declare Z = Z+Step;// next Z value
#end // ---------------- loop end Z

loops and sine About flying carpets

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2011