Descriptions and Samples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
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Deutsch Deutsch

concentric waves start Overview

About flying carpets

In addition to the possibility of design the y-modulation symmetric to an axis of rotation you can use factors which are depending from the x or uz direction as well by sin(A) and cos(a).

#declare Ball =
        texture{ pigment{color rgb<1,0.65,0>}
                 finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 phong 1}
               }// end of texture
      }// end of sphere

#declare E = 5;
#declare Z = -E;    // start value Z
#declare EndZ = E;  // end value Z
#declare Step = 0.2;// step value
#while ( Z < EndZ + Step)//-------------- loop start Z

   #declare X = -E; // start value X
   #declare EndX = E; // end value X
   #while ( X < EndX + Step)//----------- loop start X

      object{Ball translate<X,0.1*X*sin(Z)+0.1*Z*cos(X),Z>}

   #declare X = X + Step; // next X value
   #end // -------------------------------- loop end X

#declare Z = Z + Step; // next Z value
#end // ----------------------------------- loop end Z

With a little variation you will get the classic flying carpet:

object{Ball translate<X,0.05*(X*sin(X-Z)+Z*cos(X*Z)),Z>}


A variation with more parallel waves you will get by this modulation:

 object{Ball  translate<X,0.05*X*sin(X-2*Z)+ 0.1*Z*cos(3*X-Z),Z>}

A great chaotic heap of snakes brings the following variation:

object{Ball translate<X,0.1*X*sin(X-Z)- 0.2*((Z/X)+1)*cos(X*Z),Z>}

concentric waves start Overview

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2004
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