Descriptions and Examples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
Geometric Shapes in POV-Ray
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- POV-Ray Tutorial
Geometric Shapes

Objects in ""
- Segment_of_Torus
- Segment_of_Object
- Egg
- Egg_Shape
- Facetted_Egg
- Facetted_Egg_Shape
- Facetted_Sphere
- Ring_Sphere
- Column_N
- Column_N_AB
- Pyramid_N
- Pyramid_N_AB
- Round_Pyramid_N_out
- Round_Pyramid_N_in
- Round_Cylinder_Tube
- Rounded_Tube_AB
- Rounded_Tube
- Round_N_Tube_Polygon
- Round_Conic_Torus
- Round_Conic_Prism
- Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cyl1
- Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cyl2

Geometric object definded in my include file "" (formerly "").

general syntax:
object{ Segment_of_CylinderRing(
               ) //---------------
        texture{ ... ... }
        scale <1,1,1>
      } // end of object ---------
R_out = the outer radius of the cylindrical ring,
R_in = the inner radius of the cylindrical ring,
Height = the height of the ring segment,
Segment_Angle = the angle in degrees lefthanded orientated!
For Segment_Angle = 0 we get a closed ring or a tube.
#include ""
// -------------------------------------------------
object{ Segment_of_CylinderRing( 3.75,2.25,0.2,-300)
        texture{ Chrome_Metal
                 finish { phong 1}
               } // end of texture
      } // -----------------------------------------
object{ Segment_of_CylinderRing( 1.75,1.5,2.0,-270)
        texture{ pigment {color White*1.1}
                 finish { phong 1 }
               } // end of texture
      } // -----------------------------------------
object{ Segment_of_CylinderRing( 2.5, 3.0, 1.0, -80)
        texture{ pigment{ color rgb< 0.7, 1, 0.0> }
                 finish { phong 1 reflection 0.2}
               } // end of texture
      } // -----------------------------------------
object{ Segment_of_CylinderRing( 1.1, 0.8, 1.5,  0)
        texture{ pigment{ color rgb< 1,0.7, 0.0> }
                 finish { phong 1 reflection 0.2}
               } // end of texture
      } // -----------------------------------------

Macro in detail:
First we subtract from a cylinder with the radius R_out a smaller cylinder with the radius R_in by making an intersection of the first cylinder with the inverse of the second cylinder. Then 2 boxes rotated against another were used to cut out the wanted segment.
For this we have to consider two cases:
1. abs(Segment_Angle) <= 180 degrees (just an intersection of the torus and the two boxes) and
2. abs(Segment_Angle) > 180 degrees (an intersection of the torus and the union of the two boxes):

The following images show how this macro works
(the boxes are visualizised in texture glass):

Cylinder_Ring_Segment 145 degrees Cylinder_Ring_Segment 215 degrees
abs(Segment_Angle) <= 180 degrees
R_out = 1.25, R_in = 0.75, Angle =-145
abs(Segment_Angle) > 180 degrees
R_out = 1.25, R_in = 0.75, Angle =-215
//--------------------------- Segment_of_CylinderRing()
#macro Segment_of_CylinderRing( R_out, R_in,
                              ) //------------
#local D = 0.0001; // just a little bit
 #if (Height = 0 ) #local  Height = D; #end
 #if (Height < 0 ) #local  D = -D; #end
 #if (R_out < R_in)
     #local X=R_out; #local R_out=R_in; #local R_in=X;
 #if (Segment_Angle < 0)
      #local Negativ_Flag = 1;
      #local Segment_Angle = -Segment_Angle;
      #local Negativ_Flag = 0;
 #if (Segment_Angle >= 360)
      #local Segment_Angle = mod (Segment_Angle, 360);

   cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,Height,0>, R_out
            } // end of outer cylinder  ----------
   cylinder { <0,-D,0>,<0,Height+D,0>, R_in
            } // end of inner cylinder  ----------

  #if (Segment_Angle > 0) // -----------------------
  #if (Segment_Angle >= 180)
  #end // then use union!

   box { <-R_out+D,-D,0>,< R_out+D, Height+D, R_out+D>
       }// end of box
   box { <-R_out+D,-D,-R_out+D>,< R_out+D, Height+D,0>
       }// end of box

  #if (Segment_Angle >= 180)
   } // end of union
  #end // end of union, if union is used!

 #if (Negativ_Flag = 0)  rotate<0,-Segment_Angle,0>
  #end // of "#if (Negativ_Flag = 0)" ------------

  #end // of "#if (Segment_Angle > 0)" ------------

  } // end of intersection

#end // --------- end of macro Segment_of_CylinderRing()

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2013