#declare Random_1 = seed (10053); // Use: "rand(Random_1)" #declare Random_2 = seed ( 4953); // Use: "rand(Random_2)" union{ // outer loop #local NrX = -5; // start x #local EndNrX = 5; // end x #while (NrX< EndNrX) // inner loop #declare NrZ = 0; // start z #declare EndNrZ = 10; // end z #while (NrZ< EndNrZ) sphere{ <0,0,0>,0.15 texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1.0, 0.5, 0.0> } finish { diffuse 0.9 phong 1} } // end of texture // translate} translate< NrX*0.5 + 0.35*(-0.5+rand(Random_1)) , 0.15 , NrZ*0.5 + 0.35*(-0.5+rand(Random_2)) > } // end of sphere #declare NrZ = NrZ + 1; // next Nr z #end // --------------- end of loop z // end inner loop #local NrX = NrX + 1; // next Nr x #end // --------------- end of loop x // end of outer loop rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0.0,-0.5>} // end of union