//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #include "math.inc" #declare R= 1; // radius (of the middle of waveline) #declare D= 0.075; // half dent heigth #declare Z= 0.2; // thickness in +z direction #declare Ridges=21; // number of dents or waves isosurface { //---------------------------------- cylinder with wavy outline function{ sqrt(x*x+y*y)-R - cos(atan2(y,x)*Ridges)*D } threshold 0 max_gradient 2 contained_by {box{<-1-D,-1-D,-Z>, <1+D,1+D,Z>}} texture { T_Silver_3A normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.0015} finish { phong 1} } // end of texture scale 1 rotate <0, -30, 0> translate <0, 1.0, 0> } // end of isosurface -----------------------------------------------------