Descriptions and Samples for the POV-Ray raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
    deutsche Version

Rotating Propeller - part I overview Rotating Propeller - part III

Simulation of a Rotating Propeller

Simulated Motion Blur

part II

Step 1: How to make a propeller
            with a variable number of blades.

To keep this construction as flexible as possible the angle of the propeller rotation is declared at the top of the following.
For animations it can be changed like this: "#declare Rotation_Angle = 360*clock;" With "Number_of_Blades" and the length of the blades "Blade_Radius", the dimensions of the propeller are easy to adapt to anything you want.

The propeller blades

#declare Rotation_Angle =  20; 
// ------------------------------------ dimensions of the blades 
#declare Number_of_Blades = 5;  
#declare Blade_Radius  = 3.00; // length of the propeller blades
// --------------------------------------- texture of the blades 
#declare Blades_Texture =
 texture { Chrome_Metal finish{ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.8 phong 1}}
// -------------------------------------------------------------
union{  // propeller -------------------------------------------
   cylinder  { <0,0,-0.01>,<0,0,1.00>,0.10 }  // propeller axis
   difference{                                 // propeller nose  
               sphere{<0,0,0>, 1}  
               box {<-1,-1,-0.1>,<1,1,1>}
               scale <1,1,2.5>*0.3 
   union{  // blades
     #declare Nr = 0;
     #declare End = Number_of_Blades; 
     #while (  Nr < End) 
        sphere { < 0, 0, 0>,0.5 
                 translate <0.5,0,0> 
                 scale <1,0.15,0.04> rotate <10,0,0>
                 scale Blade_Radius
                 texture {Blades_Texture}
                 rotate< 0,0, 360/End * Nr >  
     #declare Nr = Nr + 1; 
   } // end of union of the blades
   translate <0,0,-0.5>
   rotate <0,0,Rotation_Angle>
} // end of union propeller  ------------------------------------

Rotating Propeller I overview Rotating Propeller - part III

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2002     email email: (legacy email redacted)