Descriptions and Samples for the POV-Ray raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
    deutsche Version

Airplane - part V overview Airplane - part VII

How to Make an Airplane

Adding Wings


part VI

        Step 3: How to Add Wings to the Body.

Here we use some simple cones with spheres at the ends deformed by scaling and sheared by matrix to simulate the wings and the tail unit:

#declare Tail_Wing_Y = 
 cone  { <0,0,0>, 1.50, <0, 3.50,0>, 0.80}
 sphere{ <0,0,0>, 0.80  scale<1,0.15,1> translate<0,3.50,0>}
 scale <1,1,0.15>
 matrix<     1, 0, 0, // shearing in x direction
         -0.30, 1, 0,
             0, 0, 1,
             0, 0, 0>
  }//----------- end of union -------------------------------------
#declare Wing = 
 cone  { <0,0,0>, 2.40,<0,9.50,0>, 1.00}
 sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.00 scale<1,0.15,1> translate<0,9.50,0>}
 scale <1,1,0.15>
 matrix<     1, 0, 0, //Shearing in X direction
          0.10, 1, 0,
             0, 0, 1,
             0, 0, 0>
  }//-----------  end of union ------------------------------------
airplane with wings

First we have to turn these wings in their position:

//--------------------------------------------------------- tail unit
#declare Tail_Unit = 
union{ object{ Tail_Wing_Y }
       object{ Tail_Wing_Y rotate< 80,0,0> }
       object{ Tail_Wing_Y rotate<-80,0,0> }
       translate<1.50, 0,0>
     } // end of union
//------------------------------------------------------------- wings
#declare Wings = 
union{ object{ Wing  rotate< 83,0,0>}
       object{ Wing  rotate<-83,0,0>}
     } // end of union

Then we have to add these objects to our final union:

  object { Tail_Unit
           translate< -R5,0,0>
  object{ Wings  rotate<0,0,5>
airplane with wings
        The airplane with windows and wings.

Airplane - part V overview Airplane - part VII

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2002     email email: (legacy email redacted)