// POV-Ray version 3.6/3.7 scenery file "p_sky05.pov" // author: Friedrich A. Lohmueller, 2005, update Dec-2009 / Jan-2011 / Nov-2013 // homepage: www.f-lohmueller.de //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #version 3.7; // 3.6; global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 } #default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global_settings { noise_generator 1 } #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" camera { angle 70 right x*image_width/image_height location <0, 1, -3> look_at <0, 1.5, 0> } light_source { <3000, 5000, -3500> rgb<1,1,1> } // sun height over the clouds produces cloud shadows // *************************************************************** // a brighter version of Darin Dugger's T_Clouds from "skies.inc" // modified by Friedrich A. Lohmueller for using with "fog": // *************************************************************** #declare T_Cloud2_Lo = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 1.5 octaves 10 omega 0.5 lambda 2.5 color_map { [0.0 color rgbf<0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.00>*1.0 ] [0.5 color rgbf<0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.90>*1.12 ] [0.7 color rgbf<1, 1, 1, 1> ] [1.0 color rgbf<1, 1, 1, 1> ] } } #if (version = 3.7 ) finish {emission 0.95 diffuse 0} #else finish { ambient 0.95 diffuse 0} #end } //--------------------------- #declare T_Cloud3_Lo = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.8 //0.6 octaves 10 omega 0.5 lambda 2.5 color_map { [0.0 color rgbf<0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.00>*1.2] [0.4 color rgbf<0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90>*1] [0.7 color rgbf<1, 1, 1, 1> ] [1.0 color rgbf<1, 1, 1, 1> ] } } #if (version = 3.7 ) finish {emission 1 diffuse 0} #else finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0} #end } texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.8 //0.6 octaves 10 omega 0.5 lambda 2.5 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<.85, .85, .85, 0.5>*1.5] [0.35 color rgbf<.95, .95, .95, .95>*1.1] [0.50 color rgbf<1, 1, 1, 1> ] [1.00 color rgbf<1, 1, 1, 1> ] } } finish {emission 1 diffuse 0} scale 0.9 translate y*-0.15 } // Darin Dugger's DD_Cloud_Sky texture mapped onto a pair of planes // first cloud level 500 // second cloud level 3000 // "hollow" added by Friedrich A.Lohmueller,2000 // for using together with fog! #declare O_Cloud2_Lo = union { plane { <0,1,0>, 500 hollow //!!!! texture { T_Cloud3_Lo scale 500}} plane { <0,1,0>, 3000 hollow //!!!! texture {T_Cloud2_Lo scale <900,1,3000> translate <3000,0,0> rotate <0,-30,0>}} plane { <0,1,0> , 10000 hollow texture{ pigment {color SkyBlue*0.20} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}}} scale<1.5,1,1.25> }//-------------------------------------------------- object{O_Cloud2_Lo rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0>} //--------------------------------------------------- // fog at the horizon fog{fog_type 2 distance 100 color rgb<1,1,1>*0.75 fog_offset 0.1 fog_alt 5 turbulence 0.8} //---------------------------------------------------- // ground plane { <0,1,0>, 0 texture{ pigment{color rgb<0.35,0.65,0.0>*0.7} normal {bumps 0.75 scale 0.015} } // end of texture } // end of plane //---------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------- objects in scene ---------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // for checking the sun position it is useful to look in // a mirror sphere !!!! sphere{ <0,0,0>,0.4 scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0.6,0.7,0.2> texture{ Polished_Chrome } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------