//------------------------------------------------------------------ optionals textures #declare Chain_Link_Outer_Texture = texture { Chrome_Metal pigment{ color rgb< 1, 0.99, 0.95>*0.3 } normal { bumps 0.05 scale 0.00005} finish { phong 1 reflection 0.15 metallic } } // end of texture #declare Chain_Link_Inner_Texture = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.25 } finish { phong 0.6 reflection 0.02 metallic } } // end of texture #declare Chain_Axis_Texture = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 0.95, 0.9>*0.15 } normal { bumps 0.05 scale 0.00005} finish { phong 1 reflection 0.15 metallic } } // end of texture #declare Chain_Roller_Texture = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.15 } finish { phong 0.7 reflection 0.15 metallic } } // end of texture //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "Bike_Chain_Link_1.inc" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// union{ object{ Bike_Chain_Link_1( // moving in x+; link axes in z, links vertical !! // in= narrow links, thick axis(roller) out = farer distant linksm, thin axis 0, // Link_Type_, // 0 = inner link, 1 = outer link 0.0127, // Pitch_, // = 0.0127, // , // pitch or link distance 0.012/2, // R_end_, // ~ 0.012/2, // half height, end radius 0.0125, // Fillet_R_ , // ~ 0.075, // 0.0039, // Roller_R_, // 0.0077, // roller radius 0.015, // Total_Width_, // ~0.015 // in z direction 0.0015, // Plate_Thickness_, // ~0.0015 // steel thickness of plates 0.0005, // Side_Tween_R_, // ~0.001 // ring between in/out 0.0005, //Border_R_, ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- scale<1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0> } // end of object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// object{ Bike_Chain_Link_1( // moving in x+; link axes in z, links vertical !! // in= narrow links, thick axis(roller) out = farer distant linksm, thin axis 1, // Link_Type_, // 0 = inner link, 1 = outer link 0.0127, // Pitch_, // = 0.0127, // , // pitch or link distance 0.012/2, // R_end_, // ~ 0.012/2, // half height, end radius 0.0125, // Fillet_R_ , // ~ 0.075, // 0.0039, // Roller_R_, // 0.0077, // roller radius 0.015, // Total_Width_, // ~0.015 // in z direction 0.0015, // Plate_Thickness_, // ~0.0015 // steel thickness of plates 0.0005, // Side_Tween_D_, // ~0.001 // ring between in/out 0.0005, //Border_R_, ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- scale<1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<-0.0127,0,0> } // end of object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rotate< 55,0,0> translate<0.00,-0.00,-0.01> } // end uni //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//