// Relational expressions: // (A < B) A is less than B // (A <= B) A is less than or equal to B // (A = B) A is equal to B (actually abs(A-B)=EPSILON) // (A >= B) A is greater than or equal to B // (A > B) A is greater than B // Logical expressions: // (A & B) true only if both A and B are true, false otherwise // (A | B) true if either A or B or both are true // The conditional expression returns a value depending // on whether an expression is true or false. // i.e.: #declare Value=((X>Y)?A:B); // if X is larger than Y, A is returned, otherwise B. // with an boolean value FLAG (0 or 1): #declare value=(FLAG ? A : B); // if FLAG = 1 then A, else B.