isosurface { //------------------------------------------------------------- function{ y + f_spikes_2d( x,y,z, 2, // height of central spike, 12, // frequency of spikes in the x direction, 12, // frequency of spikes in the z direction, 0.75 // rate at which the spikes reduce as you move away from the center ) } contained_by {box {<-1,0,-1>*2,<1,2,1>*2}} threshold 1.55//1.25 max_gradient 8 texture{ pigment{ color rgb <1,0.15,0.30>} // normal { bumps 0.15 scale 0.015} finish { specular 0.2 phong 0.7 reflection 0.2} } rotate<-40,10,0> scale 0.65 translate< 0,1.1,0> } // end of isosurface -------------------------------------------------------